I'm going as a Greek Goddess. I bought a wig, but it's a tangly piece of junk, so I'd really rather be able to do something with my own hair. The trouble is, it's kind of short. About 4 inches at the front, and two or three at the back.
Does anyone have an idea how I can create the look of a Greek style updo with short hair? I've got plenty of styling products, hair pins, curling iron, etc. and I'm willing to cut up the wig if needed, so anything goes. Help me out?
Halloween hair help?
curl your own hair into little curls then, if you can cut up the wig and plait it into a thick plait, place it on your head like a hairband and pin it in at the back..then curl one long ponytail of the wig and have it hanging down at the back of your neck. and you could use a ribbon in the plait too.
Halloween hair help?
I'd curl the hair in the front. I found a pic that looks pretty good. Here's the link: http://hairdohairstyles.com/HairStylePic...
If you have something to make a gold (or silver) headband or crown that would look nice, too.
This site is a costume site, but the model's hairstyle might make another nice guide: http://www.platinumcostumes.com/costumes...
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